Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Winchester house

After visiting the air museum, I stopped and the Winchester Mystery House.
Pretty interesting place.  They do not allow pictures inside the house anymore.  Very strange building. Everything that could be done in 13's was.  13 stairs to each floor, 13 lights in a fixture, 13 panes of glass per window etc.  Beautiful stained glass throughout the house.  10000+ windows (more then the empire state building!) It took 7.5 miles of pipe to put in the houses sprinkler system when it was installed!  It is a BIG house!  There are windows that look directly at wall, doors that open to walls or to a nothing but a drop.  Skylights in the floor, cabinets 1/2"deep.  All very strange.  The house was under constant construction 24/7 for 38 years.  Sarah Winchester believed that if she stopped building the spirits would do bad things to her or her loved ones.  She made all the plans and never used prints or architects.  Makes for some strange floors and walls!   Staying with my uncle and aunt in Monterey CA for the night then heading south along the coast.  

 Winchester collection

 Blimp came by to take a look too!

 Scarecrow up for Halloween.


  1. Looks like no candle light would be needed with a Full Moon out ;-)
