Monday, June 16, 2014

Washington DC, Spy Museum, Peterson House, and Smithsonian Castle

Wanted to visit Ford Theater, but it was closed to get ready for some party.  

 But here is what is would look like if you could see it.
 Peterson house where Lincoln died.

 Spy Museum.  This is a car from one of the James Bond movies.
 Another prop from a James Bond movie
 Mailbox spy  Aldrich Ames used to leave markes to let the Russians know he had something for them
 Cool spy tools.
 Recorder that you ran over the words and it would record them
 Kids spy toy
 Bugs and micro dots

 Gun that you pressed against someone to make it go off.  Kept your hands free.
 Cigarette Pack gun
 Flashlight gun and lighter gun

 Lipstick pistol
 Another James Bond car
 Canteen bomb

 James Bond bad guy weapons
 Teeth Jaws used in the James Bond movies

 Toured the Peterson House where Lincoln died.  The furnishings aren't original.

 Front room

 Bed room Lincoln died in

 Just some interesting buildings in town like the old Post Office

 EPA building

 Inside the Smithsonian Castle.  Very little to see inside.

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